
Politico published a piece about how conservative principles failed in the management of Colorado Springs and The Gazette fired back.

July 10th, 2017|The Flare|

By “independence” Polis means energy independence

Congressman Jared Polis made sure to exploit Independence Day by reminding us all that he's running for Governor and talking about renewable energy. Jack Graham will decide if he's joining the Republican primary for governor. When there's so much talk of paid protesters smart political staffers wouldn't be front and center during the protests, however, not every staffer is

July 5th, 2017|The Flare|

Infighting, glitter bombs, and early money

Shannon Watts - Bloomberg gun grabber - tweeted her complaint that the Dem establishment has "crowned Neguse" to run against the Republican to replace Jared Polis in congress. Grassroots v. establishment infighting isn't new, but it seems like it's taking on a new tone and tenor heading to 2018. The kid who "glitter bombed" Mitt

June 23rd, 2017|The Flare|

Teacher gun training makes lefties go cray

Despite (or because of?) Governor Hickenlooper's thinly veiled threats to Anthem earlier this month, they have announced they will stay in Colorado's health care exchange for another year. Some Colorado teachers are getting training to learn to deal with an active shooter in their school - of course, lefties are losing their minds about it. Governor

June 22nd, 2017|The Flare|