
Former Senator Michael Johnston might have been first to turn in his petitions but Cary Kennedy just got another endorsement. Why is the Democrat Governor's Association going to spend whatever it takes to try to get the seat this year? Because of the redistricting. We should probably figure out what EXACTLY Jared Polis' plan on 100%

March 15th, 2018|The Flare|

The kicker was the costume

Oh lookie lookie, you get a cookie . . . Tom Steyer is helping fund the opposition to the recall of a La Plata County Commissioner who is basically a climate change activists as her job. Who's on the State Board of Education? Debora Scheffel - that's who. This one is behind the Denver Post paywall -

March 15th, 2018|The Flare|


That major movie studio in Parker? Maybe not. The Longmont Housing Authority finally ousted the chief. Higher Ed favorability numbers have taken a nosedive, particularly with conservatives. Hmmmmm, I wonder if it has something to do with the social justice warriors.

March 15th, 2018|The Flare|

Reg. U. Lation.

Oh, so you were hoping for regulatory reform this session? The City of Boulder is considering the "potential costs and risk" of filing a climate change lawsuit. Sigh. More than 1,000 cases were found to be erroneously downgraded by Denver Police Department as non-criminal offenses in a recent audit.

March 15th, 2018|The Flare|

Data Miners

A federal district judge ruled that Amendment 71 "Raise the Bar" has provisions that violate the U.S. Constitution. Cynthia Coffman has decided to abandon petition-gathering for ballot access and will go to the Republican assembly. A bill to protect people's Denver Health records from data miners is moving forward at the legislature.

March 15th, 2018|The Flare|

Easy access ethos

I know I spend a lot of time talking about the historically high numbers of Democrat primaries in Colorado, but they are quite notable. So, will Diana DeGette get a legit primary this cycle too? It's the stance of many on the left that basic election integrity protocols, like requiring a photo ID to vote, are

March 15th, 2018|The Flare|

This has been a test of our emergency broadcast system

The Douglas County School Board sent out a message about their tax increase on the system reserved for contacting parents in case of emergency. The Joint Budget Committee voted to defund the Colorado Civil Rights Commission.  La Plata County Commissioner Gwen Lachelt is facing recall for poor job performance. It might also have something to do with

March 15th, 2018|The Flare|


This squatter issue has taken a new and particularly terrible turn in Colorado Springs. Are these Democrat primary battles starting to take their toll on their party? A bill to create a new massive government program and fund for paid employee leave has passed the first hurdle in the legislature.

March 15th, 2018|The Flare|


Sadly, a friend to many in Colorado politics passed away yesterday morning. Sean Murphy was a hilarious and brilliant mentor to many of us, and he will be missed. What could be wrong with reflexively assuming that the only transportation solution is more money for mass transit? Sticky questions about predatory advertising from Colorado's plaintiffs' lawyers.

March 14th, 2018|The Flare|

Two dead bills and a primary

Happily, the ridiculous plastic bag tax is dead. Sadly, they also killed a cut to the business personal property tax.  Democrat primaries are getting nuttier and nuttier - Bernie Sanders endorsed Emily Sirota in her bid to unseat incumbent Paul Rosenthal.

March 14th, 2018|The Flare|