
Megan Schrader has been named the editorial page editor of the Denver Post. Wish you could see the article, but it's behind a paywall . . . Have major double-digit premium cost increases started to plateau? The average plan increase request is 6% in Colorado this year. It's still an increase in cost to consumers, but it's

July 17th, 2018|The Flare|

Another bite at the apple

Remember that time Coloradans STOMPED a billion-dollar tax increase ostensibly for education? Well, they decided this would be a GREAT time to take another bite at that apple. Someone needs to ask Jared Polis where he stands on this, stat. Today's forecast: sunny with a high probability of protests.  New Erie Town Council strategy? Get sued.

July 13th, 2018|The Flare|


It's LANG! I know this is a great choice based on the reflexive flip outs from lefties on Twitter yesterday. He's a great choice. Contentious? The CU Regents are taking personality tests at their latest retreat in order to work together better. Colorado Springs is implementing a camping ban. 

July 12th, 2018|The Flare|

Molten hot take

Phil Weiser unwisely gets into a service comparison with George Brauchler. Sen. Jack Tate pushes back against Hickenlooper's Colo-fornia car plans. Failed congressional candidate Levi Tillemann-Dick tweeted out video of yesterday's recycling plant fire in Commerce City and Kyle Clark's hot take was molten. BONUS national must-read piece: A New York Times (I know, I know)

July 11th, 2018|The Flare|

The world needs more cowboys

There's a new SCOTUS nominee and of course, no matter who it was, the left was going to freak out about it. It's the fill-in-the-blank outrage of the day. Who would you rather have at your dinner party? Walker. Duh. Not EXACTLY a Colorado story - but who hasn't joked about moving to Wyoming if Colorado moves

July 10th, 2018|The Flare|


After a bruising primary to beat Joe Salazar in the primary, Phil Weiser is basically broke.  Saira Rao (who gave Diana DeGette the biggest run for her money in years in a primary for Congress) says it's time to "give up on white people." Jared Polis spent $44 a vote to win his primary to

July 9th, 2018|The Flare|


Just because Jared Polis botched his LG announcement, he wants Walker to do the same? Uhm. No. Good news! Denver is a leader in small business job growth last month. Run on an anti-business platform at your own risk - ::cough::Polis::cough. Looks like the next SCOTUS pick won't be a Coloradan. 

July 6th, 2018|The Flare|


Democrats are pretending to be unified but it's just not happening. Polis is not widely loved within the ranks of his own party, and that's not looking like it's going to change any time soon. Polis' main platform plank? Socializing medicine in a similar scheme to that which was defeated by a 2-1 margin just a

July 3rd, 2018|The Flare|

The Eid of SCOTUS?

Senator Cory Gardner is recommending Allison Eid for the SCOTUS seat. She's one of the most qualified options in the country. Joe Salazar has conceded in his bid for Attorney General . . . finally. In one of the tightest rental markets in the country, one Denver Citycouncilwoman wants to put even more regulations on landlords. She says

July 2nd, 2018|The Flare|

Bad taxes

Bag taxes are bad taxes. Just ask the people living with them. There are two Colorado judges on the Trump SCOTUS short-list, Allison Eid ad Tim Tymkovich, and either would be an amazing choice. They're both brilliant and thoughtful jurists. Denver has a new police chief. It's going to be a tough job, hopefully he's up to

July 2nd, 2018|The Flare|