Hick breaks with Dems

Despite the Democrats full-throated endorsement of Initiative 97 (further setbacks) - Governor Hickenlooper has expressed misgivings. No matter how they try to paint Mike Coffman this cycle (and they will) he's one of the best at working across the aisle in congress.  The Perlmutter/Lebsock saga continues. 

July 27th, 2018|The Flare|

Attack dog? LOL

You know how people say that you can tell a lot about a person based on who their friends are? Well, I think it's important to point out who Jared Polis hangs with. If that makes me an "attack dog" . . . I mean - ok? LOL. Polis is having a tough time balancing on the

July 26th, 2018|The Flare|

Polis runs with a small group of extreme progressives

DENVER - Today, the Colorado Foundation for Universal Healthcare (CFUH) sent out a newsletter update recapping their weekend conference in Denver, in which Congressman and gubernatorial candidate Jared Polis was prominently featured as the keynote speaker. CFUH is best known for their campaign arm - ColoradoCareYes - and their roundly criticized creation of Amendment 69, a failed 2016 initiative

July 25th, 2018|Press Release|

Rush Limbaugh and unicorn farts

So, the letter to the editor story got bigger yesterday. It was featured on the Daily Wire, Rush Limbaugh, the Drudge Report and even Fox News. The weird story of how the farts of a mythical creature that does not exist became the symbol of a car company has Colorado ties. Oh great, now there's a

July 25th, 2018|The Flare|


Should be the Denver Post be publishing letters to the editor that make even the suggestion President Trump be executed? I think not. There's a growing trend to employ more and more inflammatory language as we discuss politics - I think it's deeply concerning. Democrats made it VERY CLEAR there is only one way to be a

July 24th, 2018|The Flare|

Low low

The one-two punch of tax cuts and TABOR seem to be working. Good news was released Friday on the jobs and economy front in Colorado. Unemployment is LOW LOW. Hopefully, voters make the kind of choices in November to continue that trend. Is Colorado's peach crop in trouble? A fungus infecting peach trees on the Western Slope

July 23rd, 2018|The Flare|

On Fast Eddie and Starbucks mugs

It was PERLMUTTER?!?!?! During the Steve Lebsock controversy, he told several Denver news outlets a "high level" Democrat official had offered him a job to step down. At the time he resisted the urge to name names . . . well, now he's naming and it's Ed Perlmutter. I will be going to a Starbucks

July 20th, 2018|The Flare|

Benson’s retiring

End of an era: Bruce Benson announced his plans to retire from CU. He's been an amazing asset to the institution, and he will be missed desperately. The court has ruled the Douglas County School District did violate the constitution when it supported student-athletes in their mission trip to Guatemala. Ouch. George Brauchler got hit by a

July 19th, 2018|The Flare|


Does Mayor Michael Hancock anticipate a tough reelection race after all the controversy? His fundraising indicates so.  Maybe because he's vulnerable and knows it, Hancock is proposing 125 more miles of bike lanes. Carving out expensive projects for special interest constituencies is a first step in many reeelection plans. The Dem campaign for House District 50 (to

July 18th, 2018|The Flare|