
RELEASE: Compass Colorado calls on Perlmutter to oppose ColoradoCare

DENVER (December 18, 2015) - Today, Compass Colorado calls on Congressman Ed Perlmutter to take a leadership role amongst his Democrat colleagues and oppose ColoradoCare, a proposed single-payer healthcare initiative. ColoradoCare will appear on the 2016 state ballot and thus far Democrats from Colorado elected to federal offices have been largely mum on the issue.Perlmutter represents

December 18th, 2015|All|

RELEASE: 2M jobs lost under Obamacare – Bennet has some ‘splainin’ to do

DENVER (December 8, 2015) – A new report released by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) shows American workforce hours will be reduced by the equivalent of 2 million jobs over the next decade. This is yet another example in the long parade of broken promises Sen. Michael Bennet made to Coloradans regarding the massive health care system

December 8th, 2015|All|

RELEASE: Hickenlooper in denial about denial

DENVER (December 3, 2015) – The Colorado Supreme Court denied Colorado Governor Hickenlooper’s request to hear a petition for his challenge to Attorney General Cynthia Coffman’s EPA suit today. In a flailing attempt to spin the denial, Hickenlooper spokeswoman Kathy Green told Christopher Osher and Joey Bunch of the Denver Post:“The Supreme Court left undecided whether the attorney general can

December 3rd, 2015|All|

RELEASE: Hillary Clinton to raise big bucks while attempting to rehab image in CO

DENVER (November 24, 2015) – Hillary Clinton will attend "organizing meetings" in Boulder and Denver today in an attempt to turn public sentiment about her campaign around across the swing state.In addition to the campaign stops, Clinton will attend fundraisers with Hope and Ken Salazarand Congressman Jared Polis. The latter fundraiser offers the opportunity for a picture with Clinton for a

December 3rd, 2015|All|

RELEASE: Less than a third of Coloradans believe Michael Bennet deserves reelection

DENVER (November 19, 2015) – In new poll numbers released by Quinnipiac University today only 30% of respondents said that Senator Michael Bennet deserved reelection. Another 41% believe Bennet does not deserve to be reelected next year.Bennet is facing sharp criticism for his support of Obamacare, his choice to refuse to take a stance on Colorado's initiative to

November 19th, 2015|All|

Morgan Carroll to receive major union endorsement

DENVER (November 6, 2015) – The Denver Post announced State Senator Morgan Carroll will receive an endorsement today from one of Colorado’s most powerful unions, the AFL-CIO, in her bid to unseat Congressman Mike Coffman.The AFL-CIO endorsed both of Coffman’s previous Democratic opponents, so the Carroll endorsement is expected. The unions backing Carroll indicates Coffman will once again

November 18th, 2015|All|

Colorado women have a problem with Hillary Clinton

DENVER (November 18, 2015) –New polling from Quinnipiac University today shows the top four Republican candidates besting Hillary Clinton in a head-to-head in Colorado. One of the more interesting tidbits to emerge from those numbers, however, is how much Colorado women have a significant problem with Hillary Clinton.According to Ashe Schow at the Washington Examiner:“. . . the

November 18th, 2015|All|

Members of Colorado’s Joint Budget Committee use positions to shakedown lobbyists

DENVER (November 6, 2015) – An invitation to a fundraiser sent to lobbyists earlier this month from two Democrat members of the prominent Joint Budget Committee (JBC), clearly exploits their committee assignments and positions of power for financial and political gain.Colorado State Reps. Millie Hamner and Dave Young, both members of the state's budget-setting JBC,

November 6th, 2015|All|

Dem Colorado Governor expresses doubt about Clinton for President

DENVER (October 1, 2015) – Colorado’s Governor John Hickenlooper is the latest Democrat to express doubt about the viability of Hillary Clinton’s campaign for President.  According to the Denver Post, Hickenlooper's trepidation is driven by Former Secretary of State Clinton's recent email scandal.  The Governor said about the Clinton campaign he was feeling, “kind of grim,

October 1st, 2015|All|

Sen. Bennet to announce support of Iran deal

DENVER (September 4, 2015) – Sen. Michael Bennet will announce his support for President Obama’s controversial Iran deal within in the next few hours according to the Denver Post.“Make no mistake, it is not a coincidence that Sen. Bennet is dumping this news on the Friday before a long weekend in a failed attempt to blunt the political damage,”

September 4th, 2015|All|