DENVER – Wikileaks’ latest release of Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta’s emails includes an absolute bombshell of a revelation that could turn a Colorado statewide race on its head. 

Democrat candidate for CU Regent at Large Alice Madden wrote Podesta in November of last year regarding Governor John Hickenlooper’s impending lieutenant governor vacancy, and who might best fit the position. Amazingly, Madden recommends herself, and spends paragraphs outlining precisely why she is so well-suited for the appointment.

In her screed, Madden lays out why Hickenlooper required that his choice for lieutenant governor not seek the office in 2018: Ken Salazar. In what is the worst kept secret in Colorado politics, Salazar is using his position as the Chair of Clinton’s transition team to renew his connections with major liberal donors in preparation for a run for Governor.  

Kelly Maher, executive director of Compass Colorado, addressed Madden’s shameless self-promotion:

“Every single Colorado voter should read Alice Madden’s desperately self-interested note to John Podesta, as it reveals the motivations of a woman ravenous for limelight of any kind. Madden’s flailing ‘pick me!’ message failed to yield anything, which seems to explain her subsequent and passionless decision to run for CU Regent. 

“Madden’s behavior is the very definition of sleazy, ladder-climbing politics. I wouldn’t want this woman to oversee a book club, let alone a university.”

For purposes of fairness and objectivity, the entire exchange is included below, with Compass’ emphases in bold: 
Date: 2015-11-17 22:58 
Subject: Lieutenant Governor appointment in Colorado 

Hi John, 

John Stocks suggested I send a little more context re the Lt. Governor appointment in Colorado. 

Gov. Hickenlooper will be choosing his new LG within the next few weeks. There are many groups urging him to pick a woman and/or a minority. Yet he cannot choose someone that has already expressed an interest in running for Governor in ’18. For example, Ken Salazar is interested in running and would fight against someone else getting a foot in the door. 

It is no secret that the Governor would happily consider a Cabinet position in the HRC administration. That means whoever he picks needs to be capable of being Governor should John leave. And this person must be able to be confirmed by the Repub-led State Senate. 

It would help the HRC race to have a hi-level, dynamic / progressive woman out on the campaign trail. Sen. Bennet is terrific but to win, he rightfully needs to race to the middle. There are a lot of Sanders/O’Malley supporters who will need to be reinvigorated to support HRC. I think I am in a unique position to do that. 

In sum, I offer John a way to check a lot of boxes, build up his progressive credibility (especially with unions & enviros), and help Hillary in ’16. 

The reason I am reaching out is that John’s typical MO would be to pick someone non-political and very moderate. I am sure s/he would be a perfectly nice person but not a big help to HRC. A word from you would go a long way to get me on his short list. I can do the rest!! 

Career recap:

  • – Practiced law for 9 yrs
  •  – Worked at Univ of Colo School of Law for 2 yrs.
  • – Served in State House for 8 yrs / architect of the 2004 Dem state legislative takeover. House Majority Leader for next 4 yrs.
  • – Served as Gov. Ritter’s Climate Advisor & Dep. CoS for 2 yrs. Climate Fellow at CAP during this time.
  • – Held the Timothy Wirth Chair in Sustainable Development at Univ of Colo for 2 yrs.
  • – Recently returned from a 2-yr stint as DOE’s PDAS for IG & Ext Relations. 

Thanks John! 

